Thursday, April 25, 2013


Population: 3.1 million

Capital: Yerevan

Language: Armenian

Currency: Armenian dram

Climate: The climate varies depending on where you are at in Armenia, but they tend to have hot dry summers and wet cold winters.

Religion: Armenia has freedom of religion, but 97% of Armenian's are Christian.  Armenia has its own christian church, the Armenian Apostolic Church that most people belong to.

Sports: Soccer is the most popular sport in Armenia  but they also enjoy wrestling  weightlifting, judo, chess and boxing.  Armenia participated in the Olympic games under the Soviet Union and help win many of their medals.  The first medal won by an Armenian was by Hrant Shahinyian, a gymnast in 1952, he won two gold and two silvers.  90% of Armenians that went to the Olympics came back with medals.  Since 1992 Armenia has competed independently in the Olympics.

Famous people:  Probably the most famous people that have Armenian heritage are the Kardashians. Other famous people are Andre Agassi who has Armenian heritage as does Cher.


* Anyone whose last name ends in "ian" is from Armenia
* Armenia and Turkey do not get along, there was an Armenian genocide caused by Turkey that has still not been formally acknowledged.
* Armenia was the first country to be converted to Christianity in 301AD
* It is traditional for the groom and his family to pay for the wedding
* Mount Ararat is the tallest mountain in Armenia and claimed to be where Noah landed his ark
* It's estimated that there are 11 million Armenians in the world but only 3 million live in Armenia

Culture:  Because of its geographical location Armenia has been subject to various wars.  This has shaped the culture and almost helped the people stick together and keep their cultural practices. Armenians are known for making carpets and lace, a tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation.  Armenian food is as old as the country.  It usually consists of fish, vegetables  fruits and spices that make a unique flavor.  There are separate household roles, women are expected to do the chores of the home even if they also work outside the home.


I did not know a lot about Armenia, in fact I don't think I had ever heard of Armenia, until I met a co-worker from there almost 5 years ago.  Her name is Karina and she taught me a lot about her culture and country.  Karina's family moved to the United States when she was a little girl, they came over as refugees because it was the only status that would allow them to leave the country.  While here her family was preparing to apply for residency when they actually won the citizenship lottery and their whole family received their US citizenship.

Some fun stories that she told me about her culture was once a year they have a day called "water day" where everyone throws water at each other.  Not just fun water balloons or a spray with the garden hose, but full on buckets of water.  Usually it is the younger teenagers and such that throw the water, but anyone is fair game, kids, parents, men, women, older people, anyone.  Karina told me she tried not to go outside on this day because it was pretty much guaranteed she'd get wet.  Even when driving in her car if the windows weren't up, she would get wet.

Karina participates every year in the peaceful protest to get the Armenian genocide acknowledged as an actual historical event.

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